Birding Tours:
Duration: 4 hours
includes: Private tourist transport, tickets, boat ride. and tour guide.
Duration: 4 hours
includes: Private tourist transport, tickets, boat ride. and tour guide.
The Pantanos de Villa wetlands are located in the Pacific desert within the urban area of Lima, capital city of Peru. The Pantanos de Villa wetlands are a natural area protected by the Peruvian Government since 1989. Villa wetlands is a wetland of international importance or RAMSAR site since 1997 to be a feeding, reproduction, shelter, rest and refuge for resident and migratory birds in the Americas, these birds travel extend areas from North America to South America, also are birds of the Andes and the Amazon. It show 8 Habitat: Reed marsh, Shrubland, Grassland, Desert grassland,Marine intertidal zone, Silty beaches,Water bodies and Sedge meadow. You could watch:
Miriam Edelmira López Aguilar.
Miriam Edelmira López Aguilar.
Cellphone: (+51) 979658210.
Refuge of Wildlife "Pantanos de Villa"
N|° | Family | Scientific Name | English Name |
1 | Podicipedidae | Podilymbus podiceps | Pied-billed Grebe |
2 | Podicipedidae | Podiceps major | Great Grebe |
3 | Podicipedidae | Podiceps occipitalis | Silvery Grebe |
4 | Podicipedidae | Rollandia rolland | White-tufted Grebe |
5 | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax brasilianus | Neotropic Cormorant |
6 | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax bougainvillii | Guanay Cormorant or Guanay Shag |
7 | Phalacrocoracidae | Phalacrocorax gaimardi | Red-legged cormorant |
8 | Sulidae | Sula variegata | Peruvian Booby |
9 | Sulidae | Sula nebouxii | Blue-footed Booby |
10 | Fregatidae | Fregata magnificens | Magnificent frigate bird |
11 | Pelecanidae | Pelecanus thagus | Peruvian Pelican |
12 | Ardeidae | Egretta tricolor | Tricolored Heron |
13 | Ardeidae | Egretta caerulea | Little Blue Heron |
14 | Ardeidae | Egretta Thula | Snowy Egret |
15 | Ardeidae | Ardea alba | Great Egret |
16 | Ardeidae | Ardea cocoi | Cocoi Heron |
17 | Ardeidae | Butorides striatus | Striated Heron or Green-backed Heron |
18 | Ardeidae | Bubulcus ibis | Cattle Egret |
19 | Ardeidae | Nycticorax nycticorax | Black-crowned Night-Heron Immature |
20 | Ardeidae | Nyctanassa violacea | Yellow-crowned Night Heron |
21 | Ardeidae | Ixobrychus exilis | Least Bittern |
22 | Threskiornithidae | Plegadis ridyway | Puna Ibis |
23 | Phoenicopteridae | Phoenicopterus chilensis | Chilean Flamingo |
24 | Anatidae | Anas bahamensis | White-cheeked Pintail |
25 | Anatidae | Anas discors | Blue-winged Teal |
26 | Anatidae | Anas cyanoptera | Cinnamon Teal |
27 | Anatidae | Anas puna | Puna teal |
28 | Anatidae | Anas platyrhynchus | Mallard Duck |
29 | Anatidae | Oxyura jamaicencis | Ruddy duck |
30 | Anatidae | Oxyura ferruginea | Andean Duck |
31 | Anatidae | Dendrocygna autumnalis | Black-bellied Whistling-duck |
32 | Cathartidae | Coragyps atratus | Black Vulture |
33 | Cathartidae | Cathartes aura | Turkey vulture |
34 | Pandionidae | Pandion haliaetus | Osprey |
35 | Rynchopidae | Rynchops niger | Black Skimmer |
36 | Accipitridae | Circus cinereus | Cinereous Harrier |
37 | Accipitridae | Geranoaetus melanoleucus | Black-chested Buzzard-eagle |
38 | Accipitridae | Buteo polyosoma | Variable Hawk |
39 | Accipitridae | Parabuteo unicinctus | Harris's Hawk |
40 | Accipitridae | Buteogallus meridionalis | Savanna Hawk |
41 | Accipitridae | Buteo plarycteprus | Broad-winged Hawk |
42 | Falconidae | Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon |
43 | Falconidae | Falco femoralis | Aplomado Falcon |
44 | Falconidae | Falco sparverius | American Kestrel |
45 | Rallidae | Pardirallus sanguinolentus | Plumbeous Rail |
46 | Rallidae | Aramides cajanea | Grey-necked Wood-rail |
47 | Rallidae | Laterallus jamaicensis | Black Rail |
48 | Rallidae | Neocrex erythrops | Paint-Billed Crake |
49 | Rallidae | Porphyrula martinica | Purple gallinule |
50 | Rallidae | Gallinula chloropus | Common Moorhen |
51 | Rallidae | Fulica ardesiaca | Andean Coot |
52 | Rallidae | Fulica americana | American Coot |
53 | Rallidae | Rallus limicola | Virginia Rail |
54 | Thinocoridae | Thinocorus rumicivorus | Least Seedsnipe |
55 | Phalaropodidae | Phalaropus tricolor | Wilson's Phalarope |
56 | Phalaropodidae | Phalaropus fulicarius | Red Phalarope |
57 | Haematopodidae | Haematopus palliatus | American Oystercatcher |
58 | Haematopodidae | Haematopus ater | Blackish Oystercatcher |
59 | Burhinidae | Burhinus superciliaris | Peruvian Thick-knee |
60 | Recurvirostridae | Himantopus mexicanus | Black-necked Stilt |
61 | Charadriidae | Pluvialis squatarola | Grey Plover |
62 | Charadriidae | Charadrius semipalmatus | Semipalmated Plover |
63 | Charadriidae | Charadrius alexandrinus | Kentish plover |
64 | Charadriidae | Charadrius collaris | Collared plover |
65 | Charadriidae | Charadrius vociferus | Killdeer |
66 | Charadriidae | Pluvialis dominica | American golden plover |
67 | Charadriidae | Phegornis mitchellii | Diadmemed sandpiper plover |
68 | Scolopacidae | Aphriza virgata | Surfbird |
69 | Scolopacidae | Arenaria interpres | Ruddy Turnstone |
70 | Scolopacidae | Calidris bairdii | Baird's Sandpiper |
71 | Scolopacidae | Calidris melanotos | Pectoral Sandpiper |
72 | Scolopacidae | Calidris pusilla | Semipalmated Sandpiper |
73 | Scolopacidae | Calidris mauri | Western Sandpiper |
74 | Scolopacidae | Calidris alba | Sanderling |
75 | Scolopacidae | Calidris minutilla | Least Sandpiper |
76 | Scolopacidae | Calidris himantopus | Stilt Sandpiper |
77 | Scolopacidae | Calidris canutus | Red knot |
78 | Scolopacidae | Calidris fuscicollis | White rumped sandpiper |
79 | Scolopacidae | Limnodromus griseus | Short-billed Dowitcher |
80 | Scolopacidae | Limosa fedoa | Marbled godwit |
81 | Scolopacidae | Limosa haemastica | Hudsonian godwit |
82 | Scolopacidae | Tringa flavipes | Lesser Yellowlegs |
83 | Scolopacidae | Tringa melanoleuca | Greater Yellowlegs |
84 | Scolopacidae | Actitis macularia | Spotted Sandpiper |
85 | Scolopacidae | Catoptrophorus semipalmatus | Willet |
86 | Scolopacidae | Numenius phaeopus | Whimbrel |
87 | Laridae | Larus modestus | Gray Gull |
88 | Laridae | Larus pipixcans | Franklin's Gull |
89 | Laridae | Larus cirrocephalus | Gray-hooded Gull |
90 | Laridae | Larus belcheri | Band-tailed Gull |
91 | Laridae | Larus dominicanus | Kelp Gull |
92 | Laridae | Larus atricilla | Laughing gull |
93 | Laridae | Sterna hirundinacea | South American Tern |
94 | Laridae | Sterna hirundo | Common term |
95 | Laridae | Sterna lorata | Peruvian Tern |
96 | Laridae | Thalasseus elegans | Elegant Tern |
97 | Laridae | Thalasseus sandvicensis | Sandwich Tern |
98 | Laridae | Larosterna inca | Inca Tern |
99 | Laridae | Thalasseus maximus | Royal Tern |
100 | Laridae | Sterna paradisea | Arctic Tern |
101 | Stercoraridae | Stercorarius pomarinus | Pomarine jaeger |
102 | Stercoraridae | Stercorarius skua | Great skua |
103 | Columbidae | Zenaida auriculata | Eared Dove |
104 | Columbidae | Zenaida meloda | West Peruvian Dove |
105 | Columbidae | Culumba livia | Rock dove |
106 | Columbidae | Culumbina cruziana | Croaking Ground-Dove |
107 | Psittacidae | Aratinga wagleri | Scarlet-fronted parakeet |
108 | Psittacidae | Forpus coelestis | Pacific parrotlet |
109 | Psittacidae | Brotogeris versicolurus | White winged parakeet |
110 | Cuculidae | Crotophaga sulcirostris | Groove-billed Ani |
111 | Strigidae | Glaucidium brasilianum | Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl |
112 | Strigidae | Athene cunicularia | Burrowing Owl |
113 | Tytonidae | Tyto alba | Barn Owl |
114 | Caprimulgidae | Chordelius acustipennis | Lesser nighthawk |
115 | Apodidae | Chaetura pelagica | |
116 | Trochilidae | Amazilia Amazilia | Amazilia Hummingbird |
117 | Trochilidae | Thaumastura cora | Peruvian Sheartail |
118 | Trochilidae | Myrtis Fanny | Purple-collared Woodstar |
119 | Trochilidae | Rodopis vesper | Oasis Hummingbird |
120 | Furnariidae | Geosita peruviana | Coastal Miner |
121 | Furnariidae | Phleocryptes melanops | Wren-like Rushbird |
122 | Tyrannidae | Camptostoma obsoletum | Southern beardless-Tyrannulet |
123 | Tyrannidae | Tachuris rubrigastra | Many-colored Rush-Tyrant |
124 | Tyrannidae | Myiophobus fasciatus | Bran-colored Flycatcher |
125 | Tyrannidae | Pyrocephalus rubinus | Vermilion Flycatcher |
126 | Tyrannidae | Muscigralla brevicauda | Short-tailed Field-tyrant |
127 | Tyrannidae | Muscisaxicola macloviana | Dark-faced Ground Tyrant |
128 | Tyrannidae | Tyrannus savana | Fork-tailed Flycatcher |
129 | Tyrannidae | tyranus melancholicus | Tropical Kingbird |
130 | Tyrannidae | tyrannus tyrannus | Eastern kingbird |
131 | Troglodytidae | Trodlodytes aedon | House Wren |
132 | Mimidae | Mimus longicaudatus | Long-tailed Mockingbird |
133 | Corvidae | Cyanocorax misticalis | |
134 | Hirundinidae | Phaeoprogne tapera | Brown-chested Martin |
135 | Hirundinidae | Notiochelidon cyanoleuca | Blue-and-white swallow |
136 | Hirundinidae | Hirundo rustica | Barn swallow |
137 | Hirundinidae | Petrochelidon fulva | Cave swallow |
138 | Hirundinidae | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | American cliff swallow |
139 | Motacillidae | Anthus lutescens | Yellowish Pipit |
140 | Passeridae | Passer domesticus | House Sparrow |
141 | Fringillidae | Carduelis magellanica | Hooded Siskin |
142 | Emberizidae | Coereba flaveola | Bananaquit |
143 | Emberizidae | Conirostrum cinereum | Cinereous Conebill |
144 | Emberizidae | Thraupis episcopus | Blue-grey tanager |
145 | Emberizidae | Thraupis palmarum | Palm tanager |
146 | Emberizidae | Volatinia jacarina | Blue-black grassquit |
147 | Emberizidae | Sporophila simplex | Drab seedeater |
148 | Emberizidae | Sporophila telesco | Chestnut-throated Seedeater |
149 | Emberizidae | Sicalis luteola | Grassland Yelow-Finch |
150 | Emberizidae | Sicalis raimondi | Raimondi´s Yellow-Finch |
151 | Emberizidae | Sicalis flaveola | Saffron finh |
152 | Emberizidae | Zonotrichia capensis | Rufous-collared Sparrow |
153 | Icteridae | Molothrus bonariensis | Shiny Cowbird |
154 | Icteridae | Dives warszewiczi | Scrub Blackbird |
155 | Icteridae | Chrysomus icterocephalus | Yellow-hooded Blackbird |
156 | Icteridae | Sternella belicosa | Peruvian Meadowlark |
157 | Cinclodes taczanowskii | ||
158 | Procellariidae | Macronectes giganteus | |
159 | Procellariidae | Daption capense | |
160 | Procellariidae | Pachyptilla belchiri | |
161 | Procellariidae | Pufinus griseus | |
162 | Platalea Ajaja | Roseate spoonbill | |
163 | Pelecanoididae | Pelecanoides garmotii |
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