Great Grebe |
Our service includes: Private Tourist Transport and Tour Guide.
Itinerary: Lima-Puerto Viejo-Totoritas-Azpitia-Lima
06:00 Departure from Lima in the place suggested by visitors.
06:00 Departure from Lima in the place suggested by visitors.
07:00 Picking breakfast in El Tambo Rural coffee shop.
08:00 We visit to Puerto Viejo Wetlands is located about 70 km of Panamericana South from Lima. the wetlands of Puerto Viejo, one of the most important eco-systems along the Peruvian coast, a fragile area which abounds in plant and animal species: Flamingoes, grebes, blue herons and ospreys. More than 100 birds species that live either year-round or on a temporary basis in this important marine eco-system along the Peruvian coast.
12:00 Let's observe seabirds and dolphins, penguins and sea lions in Totoritas beach
14:00 Lunch in Azpitia
15:00 Let's observe birds in Mala River
16:00 Return to Lima
12:00 Let's observe seabirds and dolphins, penguins and sea lions in Totoritas beach
14:00 Lunch in Azpitia
15:00 Let's observe birds in Mala River
16:00 Return to Lima
Miriam Edelmira López Aguilar
Cellphone: 51-979658210
Puerto Viejo Wetlands
N|° | Family | Scientific Name | English Name | Spanish Name |
1 | Podicipedidae | Rollandia rolland | White-tufted Grebe | Zambullidor pimpollo |
2 | Podicipedidae | Podilymbus podiceps | Pied-billed Grebe | Zambullidor pico grueso |
3 | Podicipedidae | Podiceps major | Great Grebe | Zambullidor mayor |
4 | Ardeidae | Ixobrychus exilis | Least Bittern | Garcita leonada |
5 | Ardeidae | Ardea alba | Great Egret | Garza blanca grande |
6 | Ardeidae | Egretta Thula | Snowy Egret | Garza blanca chica |
7 | Ardeidae | Egretta caerulea | Little Blue Heron | Garcita azul |
8 | Ardeidae | Butorides striatus | Striated Heron or Green-backed Heron | Garza tamanquita o garcita estriada |
9 | Ardeidae | Bulbulcus ibis | Cattle Egret | Garza bueyera |
10 | Ardeidae | Nycticorax nycticorax | Black-crowned Night-Heron Immature | Garza huaco |
11 | Anatidae | Anas cyanoptera | Cinnamon Teal | Pato colorado o bermejuelo |
12 | Anatidae | Anas bahamensis | White-cheeked Pintail | Pato gargantillo o ala blanco |
13 | Anatidae | Oxyura ferruginea | Andean Duck | Pato andino |
14 | Cathartidae | Cathartes aura | Turkey vulture | Gallinazo cabeza roja |
15 | Pandionidae | Pandion haliaetus | Osprey | Aguila pescadora |
16 | Falconidae | Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon | Halcón peregrino |
17 | Falconidae | Falco sparverius | American Kestrel | Cernicalo americano |
18 | Rallidae | Gallinula chloropus | Common Moorhen | Polla de agua común |
19 | Rallidae | Fulica ardesiaca | Andean Coot | Gallereta andina |
20 | Rallidae | Pardirallus sanguinolentus | Plumbeous Rail | Gallineta común |
21 | Haematopodidae | Haematopus palliatus | American Oystercatcher | Ostrero comun |
22 | Charadriidae | Charadrius semipalmatus | Semipalmated Plover | Chorlo semipalmado |
23 | Charadriidae | Charadrius vociferus | Killdeer | Chorlo doble collar |
24 | Charadriidae | Charadrius alexandrinus | Kentish plover | Chorlo nevado |
25 | Scolopacidae | Calidris pusilla | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Playerito semipalmado |
26 | Scolopacidae | Calidris mauri | Western Sandpiper | Playerito occidental |
27 | Scolopacidae | Calidris minutilla | Least Sandpiper | Playerito pico fino |
28 | Scolopacidae | Tringa flavipes | Lesser Yellowlegs | Playero Pata amarilla menor |
29 | Scolopacidae | Tringa melanoleuca | Greater Yellowlegs | Playero Pata amarilla mayor |
30 | Scolopacidae | Actitis macularia | Spotted Sandpiper | Playerito coleador |
31 | Scolopacidae | Numenius phaeopus | Whimbrel | Zarapito Trinador |
32 | Recurvirostridae | Himantopus mexicanus | Black-necked Stilt | Cigueñuela cuello negro/Perrito |
33 | Phalaropodidae | Phalaropus tricolor | Wilson's Phalarope | Falaropo de Wilson |
34 | Laridae | Larus pipixcans | Franklin's Gull | Gaviota de Flanklin |
35 | Laridae | Larus belcheri | Band-tailed Gull | Gaviota peruana |
36 | Laridae | Larus dominicanus | Kelp Gull | Gavita dominicana |
37 | Laridae | Larus cirrocephalus | Gray-hooded Gull | Gaviota capucho gris |
38 | Columbidae | Zenaida asiatica | White-winged dove | Tórtola aliblanca |
39 | Columbidae | Culumbina cruziana | Croaking Ground-Dove | Tortolita |
40 | Cuculidae | Crotophaga sulcirostris | Groove-billed Ani | Guardacaballo o garrapatero pico estriado |
41 | Trochilidae | Amazilia Amazilia | Amazilia Hummingbird | Amazilia costeño |
42 | Furnariidae | Geosita peruviana | Coastal Miner | Pampero Peruano |
43 | Furnariidae | Phleocryptes melanops | Wren-like Rushbird | Totorero/Junquero |
44 | Tyrannidae | Tachuris rubrigastra | Many-colored Rush-Tyrant | Siete colores del totoral |
45 | Tyrannidae | Tyrannus melancholicus | Tropical Kingbird | Pepite/Abejero |
46 | Tyrannidae | Pyrocephalus rubinus | Vermilion Flycatcher | Turtupilin |
47 | Hirundinidae | Notiochelidon cyanoleuca | Blue-and-white swallow | Santa Rosita o Golondrina azul y blanco |
48 | Hirundinidae | Hirundo rustica | Barn swallow | Golondrina migratoria/Golondrina tijereta |
49 | Thraupidae | Volatinia jacarina | Blue-black grassquit | Saltapalito/Semillerito negroazulado |
50 | Thraupidae | Sicalis luteola | Grassland Yelow-Finch | Triguero o Chirigue común |
51 | Icteridae | Sternella belicosa | Peruvian Meadowlark | Huanchaco o pecho colorado |
52 | Icteridae | Molothrus bonariensis | Shiny Cowbird | Tordo parasito |
53 | Passeridae | Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | Gorrión europeo |
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